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Discmagic Newsletter > APRIL 2011 NEWSLETTER

Apr 16, 2011

Watch for some outstanding disc supply specials in April! We will be ushering in the spring with a big sale on all Discmagic brand JFJ aftermarket supplies along with discounted pricing on all used RTI-ECO series disc repair machines in stock.

If you have a used disc repair machine you would like to sell call us! We are cash buyers and we are looking for all types of used disc repair machines for rebuild. We are the largest dealer of used disc repair machines in the world.

For our overseas customers please don't forget we ship anywhere so please inquire with our sales team if your looking for a pricing quote with shipping on any large quantity or bulk orders.

Bulk Disc Repair Savings!
During the months of April and May all our contract bulk disc repair work will be 25% off. For orders of 1000 + discs or more this can mean some significant savings to your organization. If you’re not familiar with our professional bulk disc repair services please contact our sales team for a discussion and quote. Please also consider us for a bid on your current outsourced disc repair work, we are competitive and professional.

We have been hard at work trying to increase your disc repair success and reduce your supply costs. If you’re having disc repair problems please let us know, we are here to help!

Thanks and enjoy the spring

The Discmagic Team



SALES@DISCMAGIC.NET    (734) 956-3500