Discmagic Newsletter >
May 1, 2013
Spring is finally here!! Spring time offers all of us hard working individuals in the disc repair and service industry a nice refreshing break to get out away from your disc machine being couped up all winter and go enjoy some outdoor activies! Alot of our customers in various areas around the country have experienced long winters and a crazy spring! If you have been effected by any adverse weather we wish you the best for you and your family.
NEW PRODUCTS: Spring 2013 is bringing some new products to the Discmagic site that we have been testing over the winter months. Please be sure to check out our newly available "Anti-Static" final polish and spray 4oz and 32oz bottles are available. This can be used as a stand alone cleaning and polishing product or as an upgraded final spray for use in your JFJ, Disc-Go Devil / Pod machines after the repair is complete. This unique formula has anti-static qualities and a hint of a special blended wax to leave a smooth shine and small coating on the disc to help protect against finderprints and help improve the playabiilty of discs. ITS AN EXCELLENT final spray for those stubborn Blue Ray discs with the hard coating to help playability and maintenance. Be sure to use this with our inspected and approved Micro-Fiber towel, these towels are a premium - lint free microfiber with hand sewn silk edges to help prevent introduing new hairline scratches into the disc when wiping by hand .
MICRO-MAGIC UPDATE: Our successful "Micro Magic" brand formula has ungone some minor upgrades to increase the rate of stock removal during the repair time, providing a prestine final finish and improved ease of clean up. These water based formulas can be used in your Disc Go Devil, Pod and Pod Plus machines along with Disc Buddy Machines, Aleratec, Re-Disc and CD repairman Units. A great feature of this special blend is how the polish will "Roll Off" the disc easier than your factory OEM formulas. Be sure to use in conjuntion with the Discmagic WP-200 small white pads, or our large Black aftermarket pads for use in CD repairman units. Any questions about which product to use for your machine just give us a call or email us! sales@discmagic.net. or 1-855-4-DR-DISC!
EXPANDED USED RTI MACHINE AREA Our used machine area is a busy place these days! We maintain a large stock of high end reconditioned RTI ECO disc repair machines and refurbsihed/used JFJ and other brand disc repair machines that we take in on trade. We are the largest on-line RTI-ECO factory dealer for supplies and the largest re-seller of used and reconditioned machines. Discmagic rebuilds and tests all units in house 100% prior to shipment. We offer RTI dealer certified warranties on our used RTI brand machines, and in many cases this warranty is transferable to the factory as we are an authorized dealer.
On our used machine page you will also find "Customer" listed machines for sale either on physical consignment at Discmagic or for sale at the customer location on an exclusive contract basis with Discmagic. If you have a high value disc repair machine (of any make) or if you have a large quanity of machines your are looking to outright sell, trade-in or upgrade to an RTI Unit talk to the pros at Discmagic. We have the right program for you to maximize your returns and custom tailor a solution for each and every client. If you are thinking of selling a disc repair machine please contact us for a private discussion and consultation. We have sold every make and model of machines available on the market today, including most recently an RTI ECO SUPER machine valued new at over $140,000.00 USD .
EXPANDED SERVICE FOR CANADIAN AND WORLDWIDE CUSTOMERS: Be sure to check our our Canadian Distrubution partners in Montreal Canada. Discmagic premium products and supplies ship direct from our service center in Montreal. You can order directly from eBay Canada or from our home site www.discmagic.ca. Discmagic brand prodcuts are also sold by authorized affilliate and eBay Powerseller "Kronik Games ", be Sure to check them out!!! All Discmagic brand products ordered for Canada are in stock and will be shipped from Montreal warehouse. No UPS customs fees, USPS customs issues and no border shipping delays!!
As always thank you for your continued patronage and business, we hope you enjoy a successful spring 2013 !!
The Discmagic Team!
Contact Info: sales@discmagic.net - sales@discmagic.ca 1-855-4-DR-DISC! www.discmagic.net www.discmagic.ca